Случвало ли ви се е да чувате музика, докато наблюдавате как любим човек крачи по улицата? Специална, приказна музика, която долита само до вашите уши? Случвало ви се е, казвате? Прекрасно усещане, нали?
I have heard
Music coming from your heels,
As you move along the street
Tunes fly out to me.
I have seen
Buttercups bloom in your hair,
Secretly glowing in pairs,
Grinning at strangers' stares.
And the woods in your eyes
Are not on maps,
And the creatures they shelter
Are now my friends...
You are a nature spirit
With a bag of charms and merits.
I was hiding behind the smile I wear,
Yet somehow you found me there -
Cut my slumber in the middle,
Drowning keys and frolic fiddles,
Yes, I can hear
The music you send to my ears -
As you move along the street
Tunes fly out to me...
петък, 27 август 2010 г.
понеделник, 23 август 2010 г.
понеделник, 16 август 2010 г.
A late introduction.
Browsing through our blog a couple of days ago, I felt a bit of an introduction was needed. So, as hard as it is to pick out the right words to describe us, I shall try. “Why in English?”, you might ask. Well, no particular reason. English and I have been friends all my life and I guess we just stick together.
The wonderful idea for this blog was entirely Luke’s – a sort of diary, chronicling his many achievements in various fields – from furniture making and interior design to painting and photography. His talents are as diverse as his hobbies are and I am sure you will be thrilled to follow his exciting projects.
I shall be in charge of the blog’s poetry corner. Literature is one of my passions and writing helps me maintain inner harmony. Only trouble is, I don’t have as much time to devote to it anymore, but hopefully having a place like this to share my strings of words will inspire me to write more.
This is what our blog is about – two people with a need to express themselves artistically, sharing with you their zest for life and their love for one another.
We hope you enjoy your visit. Thank you for stopping by!
Адела - платно 50/35 и акрил

Adela - Human Female Sorcerer
Skills: Basic Wisdom, Basic Diplomacy
Specialty: Adela's proficiency with the Bless spell allows her to cast it with increased effect, based on her level compared to the level of the target unit. (greater bonus on weaker units)
Biography: Originally Adela only contributed her skills prior to battles. If she could not convince her commander to avoid a fight, she would at least prepare a blessing for the troops as they entered combat. She was given command of the Whitestone garrison.
Adela starts with a Spell Book and knows the spell Bless. In this picture she is fighting a pack of Behemoths with deadly spell cast.
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