Adela - Human Female Sorcerer
Skills: Basic Wisdom, Basic Diplomacy
Specialty: Adela's proficiency with the Bless spell allows her to cast it with increased effect, based on her level compared to the level of the target unit. (greater bonus on weaker units)
Biography: Originally Adela only contributed her skills prior to battles. If she could not convince her commander to avoid a fight, she would at least prepare a blessing for the troops as they entered combat. She was given command of the Whitestone garrison.
Adela starts with a Spell Book and knows the spell Bless. In this picture she is fighting a pack of Behemoths with deadly spell cast.
A bit to the dark side and so magical and mysterious...Plus, her dress is gorgeous. I LOVE your painting.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you dearest, it's kind a fan art, but the first try was important. I LOVE the main inspiring thing, fairy much :)